Toward the Perfection of the Self
As-Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi | Thursday, Jul 08, 2010 |
Muraqabah/Meditation Workshop Lecture Notes
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem
We are trying our best to enter the ocean of nothingness. Do not ask to be anything but asking to be nothing. We are traveling from far distances to come here and everyone coming to get charged. While we are here in this ocean of Sultan ul Awliya, maximum amount of benefit is to be nothing. There can not be two. ‘Ahad’ (only one) and only one allowed near is the lover ‘Wahid’ (unique one).
‘Amidoona bi Madad-e-kum’
All the blessings that are coming, if people think it is you. You will carry the burden. You have to declare you are nothing. Concept of being nothing is to believe my Master is here. We keep an empty chair for them and my place is to be on the floor. A simple ‘Fatiha’ (first chapter of Quran) is not from me. But my Master has to step in. We are but a fishing line for the Shaykh and he is bringing them in. When you make it complicated then you are sharing yourself in the ‘dua’ (request). [it is no longer pure but is filled with your ego]. Grand Shaykh Abdallah Daghestani (Q) said All thirty ‘juz’ (parts of Quran) are in Surah Fatiha (opening chapter of Quran). All of this opening only through sincerity not to show anything but show nothingness. Through Muraqabah, hearing, seeing, breathing is opening.
Negating is the biggest step to nothingness [La ilaha illallah, negation of the self and realization of the one true lord]. There is no time for Allah (time only existing on earth). The reality of Sayedina Adam (as) is always there, ascending.
Islam is submission to the will of your Lord. Islam teaches you discipline. Allah is saying; submit your will back to mine. What I want from you is your will. Ya Rabbi (oh our Lord) I am nothing. Submit but learn how to give your will back. What God wants is taught by the Prophets (peace be upon them all). They are the best examples of humanity. They are the masters of following (‘wajib tahleek’). Follow them and do as they do.
At-Tauba [9:119]
‘Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ittaqoo Allaha wakoonoo maa alssadiqeen’
O ye who believe! Fear Allah and be with those who are true (in word and deed).
They start to perfect our character.
Iman is faith. It is also to increase love in your heart for all creation. Do not make yourself pious in front of others. Smash your own Buddah (self statue). Do all your extreme worship at home and be humble outside so people see you as nothing.
Ihsan is sincerity. Worship as if you see Allah. If you do not see him then Allah is seeing you. [Perfection of the self in character and manners]
Islam came to overcome ignorance. When you begin to increase your faith, it puts down your anger. [You begin to understand that everything is coming from your lord then why to be angry. When combining Islam and Iman you begin to climb the pyramid upward toward perfection of the self]. Prophet Muhammad (saws) is the mercy to all creation. When the light of faith begins to shine inside of you it puts down the fire of anger.
That leads you to the reality of ‘Najm e Saqib’ the piercing star. Surah 53: Al Najm (the star). ‘Shams’ (the sun) is ‘Daiem’ (everlasting). Prophet Adam (as) walked this earth and it is the same sun.
When Prophet Muhammad (saws) is coming, falsehood is leaving.
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