Time to be Nothing
Muraqabah/Meditation Workshop Lecture Notes
As-Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi | Tuesday, Jul 06, 2010 | Lefke , Cyprus
‘Amidoona bi Madad-e-kum’
All of teaching for us is how to be a servant in the divine. How to be nothing? Allah is everything. All Technology is based on binary code. Allah is 1 (one) and we are 0 (zero). Muraqabah/Meditation is the practice of Arifin (knowers). Asking to be in ocean of light. Diving into that ocean of light. Be Nothing. As long as you are something, that energy cannot enter.
We have to know, Awliya are the dragon killers. My ego is a dragon. We are coming here to die. How to die? If you are not comfortable with death. You are only running away until they grab you. All the books of Saints are teaching us. When coming to your Master. Come to die. We are coming with all that personality and ego. You have to declare, Ya Sayyedi, I want to be ‘halal’ for you. Difficult days are coming. Everything standing will be crushed. When that Kingdom comes, let thy be done. “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven”. ‘kun fiya kun’.
Awliya Allah are asking us to be nothing. There are 124,000 Awliya and he (Sultan-ul-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q)) is the most humble. We have to say, Sayyedi I am coming to leave all my desires. If you don’t recognize then you cannot take their energy. Ask to be nothing. Die before you die. What’s coming now is crushing. Allah’s ‘Qahar’ is coming. As heaven is obeying, this earth will obey too. We are under the feet of Sultan-ul-awliya.
‘Amidoona bi Madad-e-kum’
Declare you have no energy. The example can be found in the movie Star Wars. Our force is ‘Allahu Haqq’. You be nothing. When I support you, you’ll rise. As it is mentioned in Surah Mulk; these are the people in whose hand is the kingdom. In mediation, you cannot become powerful on your own. If you are dressed with your ego then you become ‘Phiron’ (Pharoah). You are nothing, dead. If not the power of your Shaykh. We are coming with nothing for the support of our Shaykh. Muraqabah is to keep vigilance. Declare, I am your ‘Ghulam’. Try to reach the holy face. My Wali is my Imam.
- Acknowledge that he is always with us.
- Ask, Ya Sayedi, Dress me from the light.
From the ocean of oneness Say, I love you. I have ‘muhabat’ (love). I am keeping your ‘hadoor’ (presence). Now Dress me Sayedi. The master will begin to download into your heart. Now, not the time to struggle with ego. But ‘ruhaniyat’ (soulfulness). Time to be Nothing.
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