1. Sayyidina MUHAMMAD (saws)
Our Leader the Highly Praised
Holy Quran:
Muhammad is but a Messenger (3:144)
That which is sent down to Muhammad (47:2)
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (48:29)
Muhammad bin Jubair has related that Allah's Messenger said: "I have several names; I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, I am al-Mahi by whom Allah the almighty will obliterate disbelief; and I am Hashir (the Gatherer) at whose feet people will gather together; I am Aqib that there will be no Prophet after me". (Muslim)
Hudhaifa Radiallah anhu has reported that on one of the streets of Madina he met the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws) who introduced himself thus: "I am Muhammad. I am Ahmad, I am Nabi-ur-Rahma (The Messenger of Mercy); I am Nabi-ut-Tauba (the Messenger of Repentance); I am Muqqafa (the last of the Prophets); I am Hashir (the Gatherer), and I am also Nabi-ul Malahim (the Prophet who unites the community by reforming them and by infusing love and harmony among them)". (Tirmidhi)
2. Sayyidina Abdhal-Un-Nas
Our Leader the Most Generous
Hassan bin Thabit said: "When the generous show meanness with their riches, the Almighty Allah's Prophet (saws) sets forth the stream of generosity for the poor." (Kathir)
Abdullah bin Abu Bakr has reported: "The Almighty Allah's Apostle (saws) never refused any request made of him. Rather, he granted it."
3. Sayyidina Al-Abarru
Our Leader the Most Pious
Abu Ali al Haitimi states that all the learned scholars of Arabic literature agree upon one thing: that there is no more truthful verse of Arabic poetry than that which came from Abu Iyas who praised the Almight Allah's Apostle (saws) as follows: "No she-camel has ever given ride to one more pious and more faithful than the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws)."
4. Sayyidina Abarr-Un-Nas
Our Master the Most Pious of All
The title 'the most pious of all' befits to our holy Prophet (saws) for he possessed the beautiful qualities of generosity and honesty, the like of which were not to be found in any other created beings.
5. Sayyidina Ablaju
Our Master of Radiant Complexion
Umm-Mabad has stated: "I saw him as a man of brilliant appearance, whose face was completely bright and clear; and he was most handsome." (Al-Hakim)
From: The Bounteous Names of the Holy Prophet
It's not prophet's Roza Mubarak but it is the grave of Jalaaluddin Ar-Rumi.