8th Rajab 1435 - 7th May 2014
It is with hearts burning with grief and eyes filled with tears that we state that after a difficult illness our Master, our Teacher, our Saint, our Guide Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil (q), has passed from this worldly life today, and moved to al-Rafeeq al-`Alaa, the Highest Companionship of Allah `Azza wa Jall and His Beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad(s).
He was the majestic and noble leader of millions of people around the world who will feel a great void in their temporal lives without his physical presence to comfort them.
We will observe three days of mourning on Mawlana's behalf.
We request all Mawlana Shaykh's mureeds around the world to pray Janaza Ghayb for Mawlana, recite Surah Yaseen, Surat al-Mulk, Tahlil, Salawat, Khatm Khawajagan and to serve meals on the name of Mawlana Shaykh gifting the reward for his soul.
As-salam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
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