Thursday, January 16, 2014

Just Say HU

From the Teachings of Shaykh Hisham

All praise belongs to the one who created everything in perfection.  The one who perfected our master Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) and made him the best example for us to follow.  We seek support in every breath from our perfected guides Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Haqqani (q) and Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Qabbani (q) who are the inheritors of the seal of messengers.  They are oceans and even a drop from their knowledge will give us an understanding to safely move from this life to hereafter.  Their teachings and methods are for us to put into action for the best of results.  The best of results lead us to knowing ourselves and our lord. 

Sufi Meditation is a step which begins the process of self awareness.  The Prophet Muhammad (saws) mentioned; the one who knows himself will know his lord.  This involves learning the inner and outer.  The inner part of our hidden characteristics and outer for the makeup of our physicality.  A simple function as breathing which we may perform 15 to 25 times per minute.  It is a step we are so unaware but so essential for our existence.  How perfect our creator made it.  Our chest expands to bring the outside air into our lungs where fresh oxygen is supplied to the blood and the waste (carbon dioxide) produced by the cells is exhaled out.  This oxygen enriched blood is pumped to the heart to be circulated thru out the body.  This process is continuing around the clock inside our bodies and sustaining us as long as we have to be on this earth.  It takes place whether you are aware of it or not.  Our Guides begin to teach us to be aware of it and all that is inside of us and outside.  Contemplate on what is happening and meditate on the wonders of your lord. 

They begin to teach us to be conscious of that breath.  When we sit to meditate to inhale and exhale with the name of the absolute essence ‘Hu’.  The most unknown to his creation and without any limits.  Again, Allah (swt) granted this mercy to everyone.  There is no difference as all human beings naturally breathe with the words ‘Hu” when they inhale and exhale.  You just have to pay attention and we notice the rhythm of our heart is also beating to ‘Hu’, ‘Hu’, ‘Hu’.  Consciousness of this breathing leads you to remember your lord.  Your heart is remembering without us knowing but now when you sit to meditate on it you are trying to connect with realities that are unknown to you at the moment but exist by our lords’ command.  We are taught to remember because our return is back to the heavens where we are coming from.  While on earth we have to sustain the physicality and the soul.  The soul is the divine energy and source of life for the body to exist.  We have to feed both, food for the body and God’s remembrance for the soul.  So this process is happening at the minimal but the perfected guides want you to increase the consciousness and increase the connection between you and the divine energy. 

There is too much negativity around us on this earth and conscious breathing attracts positive energy so we become balanced and push away the negativity around us.  We become like a molecule which is attracting ions.  Initially we can balance ourselves with positive energy, as we attract more positive energy and build ourselves.  We can begin to give off these ions to those around us that are in need and begin to make them balanced.  How does that happen? By the simple presence of the positively charged person.  It is how God had created and put these laws forth on his creation.  Such is the example of our guides.  They have reached such levels in the divine that their simple presence will bring tremendous positive energy at any place.  They encourage us to do the same and follow their steps because we are helping those around us and being true servants to our lord.  That is the highest honor for us to be of service to Allah (swt), his Prophet (saws), and our guides.

According to Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (q), a saint in the Naqshbandi golden chain said that: "the wise seeker must safeguard his breath from heedlessness, coming in and going out, thereby keeping his heart always in the Divine Presence; and he must revive his breath with worship and servitude and dispatch this worship to His Lord full of life, for every breath which is inhaled and exhaled with Presence is alive and connected with the Divine Presence. Every breath inhaled and exhaled with heedlessness is dead, disconnected from the Divine Presence."

The breadth of mercy is by the order of our Lord who says to something ‘Be’ and it is.  The importance of it and the evidence is in the words that Allah (swt) sent to his beloved messenger Prophet Muhammad (saws).  We learn from the teaching of Mawlan Shaykh Hisham (q), it has been placed in the first verse of chapter 112 of Holy Quran.  Surah Ikhlas (chapter of sincerity).  It comprises of 4 verses.  To get a better understanding you have to see the Arabic and the order of these letters.  The first verse of Surah Ikhlas reads in Arabic.  ‘Qul Hu-walaahu 'Ahad’.  The translation of this verse is: ‘Say: He is Allah, the One and Only’.  Allah (swt) is ordering thru his beloved to Say Hu Allah Hu.  This is the same recitation we use during Sufi Meditation.  We inhale the word ‘Hu’ to bring this divine energy inside and the apex is to before exhaling to say the divine name Allah in our heart and exhale with ‘Hu’.  We repeat this process thru out our practice and it begins to dress us with angelic energy.  The first word of this verse is ‘Qul’, it comprises of Arabic letter Qaf  and Lam .  Qaf is also the first letter for the Arabic word ‘Qalb’ which means the heart.  The first order is for our soul to say it which was created first before this physicality.  Allah is ordering this remembrance and by his order it is happening in our heart whether we are aware of it or not.  The next letter is ‘Lam’ which is also the first letter for the Arabic word ‘Lissan” which means the tongue. Allah is ordering our physicality which came afterwards to say it.  This requires an effort from us to now bring it to our tongue.  It is an action we have to perform.  In the first verse of Surah Ikhlas, these letters are not separate but combined to make ‘Qul”.  It is directing us to combine what our soul is saying thru the heart and the physicality saying thru the tongue and make it powerful and effective.  It is an action that becomes a daily part of our life.  And what is this order asking for us to say.  Say: ‘Hu Allah Hu’.  It is the first step on this journey of Gnosticism. 

Sufi Meditation is not asking to do something out of the ordinary.  But simply following the order of our creator.  Begin by saying Hu Allah Hu.  The order is to combine the two by saying in the heart and the tongue to make it a complete action.  One will notice that all of the chapters in the Quran have a title and that title is found within each of the chapters.  But Surah Ikhlas is one unique chapter that the name is not within its 4 verses.  It is an indication that it has to be found within these verses or obeying the verses and belief will make you to reach sincerity.  This is the highest level of Islam as was described in the hadith of Pophet (saws) where he divided the religion into three levels: Islam (religion), Iman (faith), and Ihsan (sincerity and good manners). 

We are asking to be dressed with the lights of our pious teachers in these dark times.

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