1. Sayyidina MUHAMMAD (saws)
Our Leader the Highly Praised
Holy Quran:
Muhammad is but a Messenger (3:144)
That which is sent down to Muhammad (47:2)
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (48:29)
Muhammad bin Jubair has related that Allah's Messenger said: "I have several names; I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, I am al-Mahi by whom Allah the almighty will obliterate disbelief; and I am Hashir (the Gatherer) at whose feet people will gather together; I am Aqib that there will be no Prophet after me". (Muslim)
Hudhaifa Radiallah anhu has reported that on one of the streets of Madina he met the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws) who introduced himself thus: "I am Muhammad. I am Ahmad, I am Nabi-ur-Rahma (The Messenger of Mercy); I am Nabi-ut-Tauba (the Messenger of Repentance); I am Muqqafa (the last of the Prophets); I am Hashir (the Gatherer), and I am also Nabi-ul Malahim (the Prophet who unites the community by reforming them and by infusing love and harmony among them)". (Tirmidhi)
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