Courtesy of www.SufiMeditationcenter.com
and www.NurMuhammad.com
In His Dress is the Dress of Power. Fana in the Shaykh is the Only way to have the Power of RasulAllah Dressing You.
La Hawla wala Quwwata ilah billah al-Alee al-Azeem {100x Daily} Taken from the Teaching of Shaykh Hisham Al-Kabbani
Personal Protection: When Faced with something or an Energy that is unpleasant... Naqshbandi Authorized Protection: First And Most Important : Evilness Can not Look to the Face of the Sultan al-Awliya.
So Proudly Display His Pictures Over Beds, Living Room, Dinning Room, Entrances to home, Cars : Power
of Darood or Salawat on Prophet Muhammad (s): Burns away evilness ,
because Sayedena Muhammad (s) Promise that for every Praise and
Prayer on Me I will be present to you to return the
greetings. This Light of Sayedena Muhammad (s) Burns away
Du'a / Prayers
Bismillahi Hillazi la yadurru ma'ismihi {HabibAllah} shay un fil ardi walaa fis samaa wa huwa samee ul Aleem (Recite 3x) In the name of Allah, by whose name nothing is harmed! Neither on earth nor in the heavens and He is the all-Seeing, the all-Knowing (Recite 3x)
Fire of Difficulties
to be cooled down and made into the fire of Divine Love. 21.69 We said, "O Fire! be thou cool, and (a means of) safety for Abraham!" Qulna ya naru , koonee bardan wasalaman aala ibraheema : {33x Day}
relief of Anger or Stress: 33 times per day, Additionally when
making daily Wudu/ Ablution recite and imagine that the light
of wudu is taking away the fiery character. This Anger is a
means in which evilness gains entrance to you.
Make Sure you are wearing a Taweez:
"Right click image and Print it out" This is a spiritually significant Emblem,
that shows ones connection to the Divine Kingdom. Followers of
Sultan Awliya Muhammad Nazim Haqqani should proudly display this
Taweez or Similar to this . On Ones Self, family members personal
property and homes, on the window right corner of each window .
Angels Gave This for Prophet {s} Protection at Birth For Adults and Children : A Dua before Sleep or the Bed
"The heavenly angels descended and surrounded the Prophet's {s}
mother Amina on all sides, so that she was placed in the
middle and thus protected from the invidious gaze of the Jinn,
and so no harm could befall her. Then one of the angels addressed her
and spoke, 'Oh Amina, I bring you good news of the blessed boy
you bear, for this son is meant to be the last and the seal of
all prophets, and the prince of them all, and a leader of his
people. Allah Almighty bears witness to this from his beginning
up to the end. When you have given birth to this blessed child, recite over him these words for his protection:
Bismillahi astar'ika rabbak, wa a'wwadhuka bil-wahid
Min sharri kullu hasidin wa qa'imin wa qa'id
Wa kullu khalqin za'id
wa 'an il-fasadi jahilin wa kullu khalafin fasid
min nafizhin au 'abithin wa kullu jinnin marid
ya'khudhu bil-murasidin bi-t-turuq-il-muwarid.
La yadurrahu wa la ya'tunahu fi yaqazhatin wa la manam wa la fi zha'ni wa la fi maqam
Sajis-al-layali wa awakhar-al-ayyam Yad-allahi fauqa aydihim wa hijab-allahi fauqa 'adiyatihim.
(In the Name of Allah, I beseech Thy Lord for Thy protection and I place Thee in the keeping of the One.)
(From the evil of every invidious one, be he standing or seated.)
(and whatever other creature)
(and from the mischief of the ignorant and every evil consequence)
(from the meddler or disturber, and from every defiant Jinn)
(who takes advantage of any easy way of access )
(that they may not approach with harm while he wakes or sleeps, in no circumstance or place)
(Allah's Hand is above theirs, and Allah's Shield over their misdeeds.)'"
When More Du'a Needed..
one or all may be recited
- A'udhu bi-wajhi-llahil-karim
- wa bi-kalimati-llahi t-tammat-allati
- la yujawizuhunna barrun wa la fajir,
- min sharri ma yanzilu min-as-sama'i wa ma ya'ruju fiha
- wa min sharri ma yakhruju minha
- wa min fitan-il-layli wa-n-nahari
- wa min tawariq-il-layli wa-n-nahari
- illa tariqan yatruku bi-khayrin, ya Rahman!
seek refuge in the Gracious nature of my Lord Allah, and in
the perfection of the Divine Word which neither the righteous
nor the transgressor is able to breach, from the evil which
descends from the sky and that which rises up to it; and from the evil
which comes forth from the sky; and from the tribulations of
the night and the day, and from all the calamities of night
and day, except for those that result in benefit, Oh Lord of
Mercy!) When this Du'a was recited, the fire of an Ifrit (devil) died down. Therefore, it can be used to lessen satanic influences.
To ask for Unseen Support, Recite:
1. Madad yaa rijaal-Allah a`ee noona bi-`awnillaah wa kun `awnan lanaa billaah `asa nahda bi-fadlillaah. (Recite 3x)
(Help, Oh Man of Allah. Help us with Allah's help, and so be a help to us. Perhaps we will be so fortunate as to receive Allah's Bounty.)
2. Madad Ya Sayyidi, Ya Sahib, Ya Siddiq, Ya Rasul, Ya Allah. (Recite 5x)(Help, Oh our Master, Oh Companion, Oh Trustworthy, Oh Messenger, Oh God)
When Riding Upon Something Airplane, Cars, Trains:
Quran Yaseen 36:38 "(Recite 100x)" -BismiAllah Al Rahman Al Raheem "thalika taqdeeru alAazeezi alAalemme"
That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise
When Entering into a place or your home,
for increased protection, sustenance and out of general respect for the unseen, recite:
- Assalaamu Alaika Ya RasulAllah, wa Salaam u Alaika Ya Ibadullahi Saliheen wa ghayibeen. Surah Ihklas (Qul huwa Allahu ahadun Allahu as-Samadu lam yalid walam yulud walam yakun lahu kufuwan ahadun) (Recite 1x)
be upon you, Oh Messenger of God, and Peace be upon you Oh
righteous servants of God and the unseen. Surah Ikhlas)
General Cleansing of a particular Space from Bad Energy:
{Asking The Heavenly King Support over Dunya Difficulties}
Holy Quran 27:30
Bismi Allahi alrRahmani ar-Raheem
" Inna hu min Suleiman wa inna hu
Bismi Allahi alrRahmani ar-Raheem "
Recite Upon Water:
- 40 times Upon Water Surah Fatiha for Not Smoking, Addictions
- Upon Water Jug 7 Fatiha , 7 Ihklas, 7 Falak, 7 Nas Daily upon water and drink for removal of bad energy within the body this remedy for 40 days. Ikhlas, Falak, Nas
Before Sleeping:
- Make ablution
- Pray two cycles of Prayer
- Then Read Surat Ihklas, Falak, Nas then rub light of prayer on your body and then sleep.
- Sleep preferably with head covered
- Sleep on Back or Right Side Not on Stomach or Left side
- and Siwak or salt on the night stand
Understanding Ruqya { Talisman/Healing}
4. Narrated Ibn `Abbas (Allah be well pleased with him)
Some of the companions of the Prophet passed by some people staying at a place where there was water, and one of those people had been stung by a scorpion. A man from those staying near the water, came and said to the companions of the Prophet, "Is there anyone among you who can do Ruqya as near the water there is a person who has been stung by a scorpion."
Some of the companions of the Prophet passed by some people staying at a place where there was water, and one of those people had been stung by a scorpion. A man from those staying near the water, came and said to the companions of the Prophet, "Is there anyone among you who can do Ruqya as near the water there is a person who has been stung by a scorpion."
So one of the Prophet's companions went to him and recited Surat-al-Fatiha for a sheep as his fees.
The patient got cured and the man brought the sheep to his companions who disliked that and said, "You have taken wages for reciting Allah's Book." When they arrived at Medina, they said, '
O Allah's Apostle! (This person) has taken wages for reciting Allah's Book"
On that Allah's Apostle said, "You are most entitled to take wages for doing a Ruqya with Allah's Book." (Saheeh Bukhari)
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