By Dr. Gibril Haddad
Ramadan is derived from ramdaa' which means "sun-baked," perhaps a reference to the pangs of fasting.
(r) said that when the month of Ramadan came the Prophet (s) said:
"Glory to Allah! What are you facing now! What is coming ahead!" `Umar
ibn al-Khattab (r) said: "My father's life for you, and my mother's! O
Prophet of Allah, what is it? Did you receive revelation, or is an enemy
coming?" He replied: "No, but the month of Ramadan has come, in which
Allah forgives all the people of this Community." He also said: "If
Allah's servants knew what Ramadan was, they would have wished it lasted
for the whole year."
month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an is a time of
tremendous blessings and the gate of repentance and return to Allah.
Prophet (s) also said: "The month of Ramadan has come to you, a blessed
month for the duration of which Allah has prescribed fasting for you.
In it the gates of the heaven are open and the gates of Gehenna are
shut." Another version adds: "And devils are put in chains."
The Prophet (s) named fasting "the poor-tax of the body" (zakat al-jasad) and he named it "a shield" (al-siyamu junnah) and also "half of restraint" (al-sabru nisfu al-sawm), and he named restraint "pure light" (al-sabru diya'). When asked who were the wanderers in the verse:
الْعَابِدُونَ الْحَامِدُونَ السَّائِحُونَ الرَّاكِعُونَ السَّاجِدونَ
الآمِرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَالنَّاهُونَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَالْحَافِظُونَ
لِحُدُودِ اللّهِ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِين;َ;
Those that turn to Allah in repentance;
that serve Him, and praise Him;
that wander in devotion to His cause (al-sa'ihun);
that bow down and prostrate themselves in prayer;
that enjoin good and forbid evil;
and observe the limits set by Allah --
these do rejoice!
So proclaim the glad tidings to the believers. (9:112)
The Prophet (s) said: "The wanderers in the cause of Allah (al-sa'ihun) are those who fast" (hum al-sa'imun).
Thus a true dervish fasts, and many of the great shaykhs said that the
path consists in hunger. The Prophet (s) also said: "There is no conceit
in fasting."
month of Ramadan is a tremendous witness on the Day of the judgment,
and the Prophet (s) said: "I declare myself clear of them whose
detractor is Ramadan." It brings immense rewards as he said: "Those who
fast the month of Ramadan believing (in Allah and his Messenger) and
seeking a reward, all their past sins are forgiven." Another version
adds: "and pray (the voluntary night-prayer) in it" and in the end: "he
comes out of his sins as on the day his mother gave birth to him."
According to the Companion `Ubadah ibn al-Samit the Prophet (s) used to say upon entering this month:
Allahumma sallimnee li ramadana wa sallim ramadana
wa sallimhu minnee mutaqabbilan.
wa sallimhu minnee mutaqabbilan.
"O Allah, greet and save me for Ramadan; greet and save Ramadan;
greet and save Ramadan on my behalf, and grant me its acceptance."
greet and save Ramadan on my behalf, and grant me its acceptance."
Etiquette of breaking the fast
By Dr. Gibril Haddad
The fast is broken at sunset, and it is termed in Arabic iftar.
It is a time of happiness and refreshment after experiencing the pangs
of hunger and thirst. It is usually broken with dates and in many
cultures a light soup with bread or small side dishes.
the fast is followed immediately by the evening obligatory prayer. In
many parts of the world, including the US, breaking fast is observed in
congregation in mosques and homes.
The Prophetic etiquette of breaking fast: three rutabs (moist dates), or else tamr (dry dates), or else water, mentioning Allah, using the right hand, stating the du`a that fasting was for Allah and breakfast with his rizq (provision), and asking Allah aid in fasting, night-prayer, lowering the eyes, and guarding the tongue in Ramadan. The invocation (du`a) upon breaking fast is answered.
The following two du`as should be recited after breaking the fast:
Allahumma laka sumtu wa `alaa rizqika aftartu
O Allah! For You have I fasted and upon Your sustenance have I broken my fast. [Abu Dawud]
Dhahab az zamaa'u wab tallatil urooqu wa thabat al-ajru Insha-Allah
The thirst has vanished, the veins have been wetted and the reward is established - Insha-Allah. [Abu Dawud]
Prophet (s) said: "Whosoever fasts experiences two joys. He is joyful
when he breaks his fast, and is joyful because of his fasting when he
meets his Lord." [Sahih Muslim]
evening approaches from this side (east) and the day retreats from this
side (west) and the sun has set, the one who is fasting breaks his
fast." [Bukhari and Muslim]
"Break your fast with a date, or with water because it is pure."
[Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]
[Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said: "My nation will
remain in goodness as long as they break the fast as soon as it is
due." [Muslim]
It is offensive and unhealthy to stuff the stomach with food after fasting.
The Prophet (s) said: "Enough for a human being to have luqaymat
(=from 3 to 9 mouthfuls) that prop up his spine and, if he must have
more [in his stomach], then one third of food, one third of water, and
one third of air."
of respect for the mosques and those who attend them among people,
jinn, and angels foods that cause bad breath (such as garlic and
onions), belching and gas should not be consumed.
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