Thursday, May 24, 2012



Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

We ask support from our Master Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, and we ask support from our Lord Almighty Allah, and from the Prophet (s).  

Tonight is a very precious night. Laylat al-Ragha'ib, The Sacred Night of Desires, is one of the most important nights in Islamic history and for all human beings. It is the night that the Prophet (s) was transferred from his father to his mother's womb and falls on the first Friday of Rajab. All that you wish for on this night, God gives you for the sake of His beloved Prophet (s).

In Arab and Islamic countries they celebrate this night in all kinds of praises to the Prophet (s) and remembrance of his life, and remembrance of God in their hearts, and visits of mosques, which stay open all night until fajr. They don't sleep. Unfortunately, in this country, no one knows - especially Muslims - that this most precious night is coming.

How are you going to be supported by your Lord in this country,

if even the Muslims don't know when the Precious Night falls? This is a night you have to spend reading the Holy Qur'an, reciting God's Names, reciting the Prophet's (s) life, praying on him, and worshiping your Lord. No one knows. Look at all the mosques: no one is even speaking about that night.

No one even says that this is the month of Rajab and that you have to fast Mondays and Thursdays. Who is fasting? Very few people fast and remember. Among the majority of Muslims, no one is even thinking, yet they want to spread Islam everywhere. How is this going to happen if we Muslims do not begin with ourselves before looking at others?

We ask from our Lord to change the hearts of Muslims who ignore the fast of Rajab and make them give this month the value it deserves. In our countries, with our Shaykh's permission, we don't sleep in this month. Last night, Mawlana Shaykh celebrated that night in Nicosia with five hundred people, praying, making dhikr, giving a lecture, then ordering to go to their houses and pray all kinds of prayers until fajr. Here, no one is even thinking that this night is different from other nights.

Were it not for this night, Islam would have never been. The light which God has created in Sayyidina Adam (s) was in his forehead, and Adam (s) asked his Lord, when He created him and put into him his spirit: "My Lord, what is this lamp, this light always shining in my forehead?"
He said: "O Adam, that light is the light of my beloved Prophet and Messenger, the light of my slave Muhammad (s), your son.  

From that light I have created you. I have created him before I created you, and I put that light in your head."

That light passed from Adam (s) to Nuh (s), and from Nuh (s) to Ibrahim (s), and from Ibrahim (s) to Isma`il (s), and so forth to the Prophet (s).

Were it not for the Prophet (s) God would have never created these universes. When he ordered the pen to write LA ILAHA ILLALLAH, there is no god except God, the pen wrote for 70,000 years in God's time. "inna yawman `inda rabbika ka-alfi sanatin mimma ta`uddun" - one day according to God's estimation is 1,000 years according to ours (Al-Hajj 47). Imagine the duration of 70,000 heavenly years: that would mean 25,550,000.000 human years during which the pen was writing.

When the pen finished, it stopped. God told the pen, "O pen, write Muhammadun rasulullah." The pen wrote for 70,000 other years.  

Then the pen asked, "O my Lord, who is that honored person, that Muhammad that you put Your Name with his name?" And God said, "Ikhsa ya qalam, lawla Muhammadun ma khalaqtu ahadan min khalqi" - Silence, O pen! Were it not for Muhammad (s), I would never have created anyone.

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