Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya
Friday, Aug 06, 2010
Lefke CY
......'Tawbah, yaa Rabbee! We are asking from our Lord, forgive us and send us some ones who may teach us the best manners, and best adab.
O our Attenders! Don't be drunk ones. O People! There is a saying from holy ones, Ahlu ’l-Tasawwuf, the People of Sufism, a description of tariqah people. Mureed ibn waqtuh, “A mureed is a son of his time who observes what is coming.” And when they are ibn waqtih, people of time, they must try to keep heavenly protocols, tashreefaat, for our Lord. Allahu Akbar al-Akbar. Allah, Allah! At all times a mureed must be awakened, muraqabah, observing, always looking for heavenly tajalli, manifestations, so he may reach it. And Ahlu ’l-Tasawwuf are saying mureed ibn waqtuh observe as a cat in front of mice (with concentration). As much as you try to distract it, it never looks away from its potential food.
Every hour, every day, every minute, every second and third, the smallest part of time, always heavenly treasures are coming from the Heavens. Therefore, our know-nothing `ulamas object, "Why are mureeds sitting like this? Why are they not opening their eyes to look?" And we are saying. there are two eyes to look at what is around us, and there is another grant from Allah Almighty inside, and this power may observe from east to west when they are sitting like this! Tasawwuf people say after muraqabah, meditation/concentration, comes mushahadah, the witnessing or vision. They close their eyes and their hearts' eyes open and there must be some appearances, mushahadah. Therefore, they always like to make muraqabah! Do you think that they are sleeping? No! They are diving in Unseen Worlds!
O People! Try to reach some heavenly jewels that are just granted to Mankind. Don't run after dunya like a dog running after a rabbit, for then you are wasting your very precious lives! Make muraqabah and that screen will appear where you may see everything in it. They are trying not to lose it because in every second there is coming such unknown, unseen appearances that you can't imagine! Therefore, they like to sit like this. But others who think they are sleeping say, "Get up and sleep on your bed." There is such a far distance in their understanding and the real understanding of (those in meditation.)
O People! In this week we are reaching Holy Ramadan. What we are saying now is an ocean; up to the end of the world it is never ending! Inshaa-Allah we hope that hillaal, the moon's crescent of Holy Ramadan, is going to be first laylatu 'th-thulatha, Monday night reaching to Tuesday. The last day for Sha`baan Mu`azzam is Monday and the first of Ramadan is Tuesday. In the night you must pray Taraweeh and say, ahlan wa sahlan yaa shahru 'r-rahmah, yaa shahru 'l-barakah, yaa shahru 'l-ghufraan, yaa shahru 'r-rahmah! Ask for everything! Don't ask for stones that have no value, that you are walking on, ask from yaqoot, rubies, pearls, and emeralds! It is enough that we are running after fertilizing. Don't run after that, run after treasures, every day and every night, and you will be happy here and Hereafter! When you are going to be happy you are making your Lord, Allah Almighty, happy with you, and He makes you happy here and Hereafter!
O People! Say, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah. Tubna wa rajana `ilayk yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabbana 'ghfir lanaa maa madaa yaa wasi` al karami, “We have reformed our ways and have returned to You (O Allah); forgive us what preceded, O You, the Most Generous.”
You have endless Generosity Oceans! Ask them to be granted to you forever! We don't know if we have two or three days more. Only Allah knows who is going to live; millions of people are going to be carried away before reaching Ramadan and we must also think, “It may be this Ramadan is our last Ramadan, and we will not reach another.” Therefore, take as much as possible, much more heavenly treasures; you will be happy. May Allah forgive us!
O People! Say, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah. Tubna wa rajana `ilayk yaa Rabbana. Rabbi 'ghfir wa 'rham wa anta khayru 'r-Rahimeen. Bi jaahi man anzaltahu `alayhi Surat al-Fatihah.
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