Friday, December 17, 2010

Meditation, the Spotlight on you

A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem
Our constant request is to receive support at every moment from our Masters, seals of Messengers, and our Creator.  When we are not showing that we are in need then why support has to reach us.  God says in the holy Quran: “Ask from me, I’ll give you more”, “Be Thankful and I’ll give you more”.   The duty of the servant thus becomes to ask his Lord for support in everything and show humility by being thankful.  The more he is thankful the more support he receives.  Meditation/Muraqabah gives an individual the opportunity to isolate themselves from the outside noise of the world and start to look inward.  They begin to put the spotlight on their inner self.  This spotlight is not for anyone but for you to see all the unpleasant that exist within you.  It is a slow process where the major outer layers have to be exposed before you can bring out all the negativity in you.
We have to ask.  We have to show that desire within us that we are in need.  Our nature is not to do much until we are put through difficult circumstances that we begin to seek help from the divine.  It is also the waves of emotions the self experiences through everyday life which slowly begins to push it toward depression.   These become the causes and we seek an effect to overcome them.  This desire of needing help begins to appear in our heart.  When this desire is given a little attention it will move us to do things that we did not think we were capable of doing.  That becomes the initial step toward finding a spotlight.  A source of light that can heal us.  The healing we are truly in need of is for our inner self.  The self which is riddled with bad desires and covered with negative energy.  When we are affected by a physical illness, majority of time we have to take medication and send it inside our bodies.  That medicine travels throughout our body via the blood.  That blood is touching every segment of our body and the medicine is delivered to the part that requires healing.  The medicine has to go inside our body to cure the sickness.  Imagine how we have to cure a soul that is ailing.  The soul is created from light and a pure energy.  Everything negative covers the soul with darkness and everything positive nourishes its light.
The heart of a true master is the spotlight that can nourish our soul.  The Prophet Muhammad(s) said, 'whoever knows himself, will know his Lord.’  How can you know yourself?  When we want to see our physical self we look in the mirror.  We also need a mirror for our inner self.  The heart of our master is like a pure mirror reflecting the divine and heavenly lights.  Their good characteristics and behaviors will make you to differentiate between the bad that exists in you.  But you have to show that desire first.  You have to be in need and ask with humility.  Humbleness is to lower the self by showing you are in need of help.  Our Master Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Qabbani said recently ‘step on your ego.’  These are like bullet points we have to keep in front of us and constantly remind ourselves.  They are needed when your feet and hands are moving toward bad desires.  They are needed when the bad self is in your way stopping you from good actions.  When you lower yourself it takes away arrogance from the heart. 
 Meditation is important to reflect and seek the light of your master.  His light will begin to show the negative behaviors and characters we carry.  His light is not only to expose the bad self but also a source of healing.  The more you reflect the more light they will send for you to take away the darkness from your heart.

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