Seekers of the way, after reaching the 5th level, after repenting and turning to Allah, then they think what do we have to do, to prepare for the 2nd station, or if we want to call it the 5th and 6th station as the first 4 levels are in reality steps of one station.
In order to achieve "wa maa yatadhakaru illa man yuneeb". · The explanation, I am looking: it means no one in the first ayah in the 5th level is the dhikr. · You have to give the holy Qur’an a thought, 'yatafakar'. { Ponder To Know Yourself is to Know Your Lord}
The 6th level is yatadhakar. You have to remember. Remembrance is higher than giving a thought. { Remember implies you were already taught the information, Surah Rahman "Alama Quran, Khaliqal Insan." it was already taught to you !" · Remembrance will bring you in the presence of Allah swt. In remembrance you can understand why the water is coming from up on the mountain to down. If there is a fire you can understand why fire gives heat and power. · You begin to remember every smallest created element that Allah created in earth and heavens and to give it a thought why it happened to them.
At that time the Shaykh orders you for seclusion in the way of murids on the 6th level, because in seclusion every wisdom of every plant or every living species allah will open to you the wisdom of its benefit and what kind of benefit it can benefit you.
That is why awliya-ullah in their seclusion, highly Awliya, and we know from sultan al-Awliya and Grandshaykh Nazim. Everything comes to them in their long seclusions of years and years; everything that is of benefit to every human being. You can know what kind of plants for this sickness, what is for that sickness. You can understand when you look at people what kind of problems they are carrying, what kind of problems they are in and you can give them the right medication in order to take them out from what they are in.
In that level, that is the level of reality of issues. You will achieve enlightenment of what is around you in this universe. When you reach that you are going to be as it is said, good tidings to you, for you have override your self. Good tidings to you because you have found the truth. The truth, which is noble and beautiful that truth will take you away and save you from devils and evil.
You will trust that truth because at that time you will achieve `ilm al-yaqeen, `ayn al-yaqeen haqq al-yaqeen. 1Ilm al-yaqeen the reality of hearing. `Ayn al-yaqeen, the reality of seeing. Haqq al-yaqeen, the certainty of reality. You have to trust that reality that is opened to you at that time. You cannot step back.
Some seekers of the way, when they beginning to feel that reality at the 6th level, they see how difficult is, they taste the sour of it. When you cut the flower, you get these thorns, it will hurt you so people don’t like to cut the flower. To cut it you will get the sweetness, the honey, the smell. But when the seeker is reaching to the maqam al-muridiyya is the beginning of wilaya, they begin to draw back from the sourness of that maqam. When you are seeking the way to reach mureed, you are reaching the first level of wilaya sainthood. That is why at the need of the ten levels, we will explain the first six levels that open to the person.
Some people back up because it is sour. You cannot run away. You have to keep tasting the sour, because if you get it, it is the best you can get in this life here and hereafter. The one who will be able to enter and penetrate and enter the shore of that reality and will become a Gnostic in the way of the Divine Presence.
And to get that you have to have a strong faith. Because it is a beautiful experience that you will achieve after you are tasting the sour and reaching that reality, it will be the best of what can happen to you. |