Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
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This way, our journey, seeking the way of awliya-ullah, the way that they have tried their best thru their lives to reach a higher level of enlightenment and a higher level of spiritual intellectuality and the highest degree of the unseen reality by achieving the power of Gnosticism, of Gnostics.
Push Away Resist All Evilness:
That power is highest and higher than every power you can imagine. They went all their lives, they tried their best to seek that way and they have laid the foundations for us to follow and learn what they have inherited from the Prophet (s) thru their spiritual journey. And as they laid for us the foundation, we try our best to imitate, because they are the real fruit and we are the plastic fruit. Plastic fruit look like real fruit but they are not real. And we hope that Allah the Qadir al-Muqtadir will change us as He changed them from plastic to real. So the foundations that they laid for us, we have mentioned 4 of these levels in the previous associations. And the one that we have finished in the last association, wa the turning point, the
tareeq al-inaaba, which Allah mentioned in the holy verse,
Holy Quran Zumar {39: 53,54} {Allah’s Order to Rasul to teach Creation} Say: "O my Servants, who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. {Then Allah Orders}
Ayah 54 "Turn ye to your Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will) before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped.
So that is a turning point in our life after the 3 different levels which we have explained: the 2nd is awareness, the 2nd is to think we have to repent, the 3rd is to audit ourselves and the
4th one is after having audited ourselves the turning point, 180 degrees.
That will be one of the main levels; these 4 levels are considered one division.
- After the fourth we are going to the fifth and then to the sixth seventh eighth ninth and tenth.
- The fifth level is what Allah swt said in the holy Qur’an:
Hu Alladhee yureekum ayaatihi wa yatanazalu ilayk …wa yatanazalu ilayk al-dhikr.
He is the One who shows you his sings an sent down sustenance down to you fro the sky and only those receive admonition who… We send them with clear signs and books of dark prophecies…and that they may give thought.
Allah swt said, wa anzalna ilayka adh-dhikra li-tubayyina lin-naas la`alahum yatafakaroon.
We have sent down to them the dhikra the holy Qur’an, after providing for them their lives and all that they want. And we have sent down to you o Muhammad the holy Qur’an, why? In order that they may give thought.